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Chippalapally Village

Swashodhan Trust is working in Chippalapally village to transform it into a smart village. This will enable the provision of quality education and healthcare, access to clean water and nutrition, sanitation facilities, growth of productive enterprises to increase income, and enhanced social security.

Components of Chippalapally model village:-

Education - Education is one of the key components of any digital village. Digitization of education will open up endless learning opportunities for the students and will make live and experiential education a possibility.

Health -  The importance of self-sustaining villages is to develop model/digital health clinics and provide primary healthcare needs in the village itself. Similarly, the Chippalapally model village also has access to modern healthcare initiatives.

Livelihood - The Chippalapally model village initiative takes a holistic approach towards development and sustainable livelihood for the villagers. The village will get access to various skill development programs .

Women Empowerment - Swashodhan Trust believes that for building self-sustaining villages like Chippalapally, women empowerment is crucial.

Smart Village: Chippalapally village is based on the foundation of a self-sustaining model village where a person takes birth, lives, and dies in the village. The perseverance of Swashodhan Trust has helped in transforming the village into a smart village.

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Swashodhan Trust invites enthusiast individuals to come forward and volunteer.

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We request individuals to donate generously for the development of Chippalapally Village.

Ongoing Projects

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Digital Education

Education is one of the key components of any digital village. Digitization of education will open up endless learning opportunities for the students.


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Women Empowerment

Swashodhan Trust believes that for building self-sustaining villages like Chippalapally, women empowerment is crucial.

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Digital Health

We are in the age of portable medical devices and digital medical devices. The Chippalapally model village will also get access to such modern healthcare initiatives.          

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The Chippalapally model village initiative takes a holistic approach towards development and sustainable livelihood for the villagers.


Smart Village 

Chippalapally village is based on the foundation of a self-sustaining model village where a person takes birth, lives, and dies in the village.             

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